Thanks again for your interest in the Kasey Altman Hackathon to find the best next treatment for this rare cancer patient. This is our weekly update (#6), especially for those who were unable to join us in person on Thursday (July 8).
Kasey’s Update: Tolerating Her Chemo
We learned that Kasey is feeling better, even though her chemo has knocked her down harder than previous rounds. Kasey is taking the chemotherapy to bridge her to her next round of treatment, an immunotherapy clinical trial, scheduled for October.
Delsee’s Update: Kasey’s Raw Sequencing Data Available for Review
We have Kasey’s raw sequencing data from Tempus, and five researchers have requested access so far. If you have any interest in accessing this data, just send a quick request, and we will give you the credentials to do so.
Discussion: Dr. Cohen Feedback and Treatment Options
We gathered questions and feedback for Dr. Ezra Cohen of UCSD, who is leading the personalized cancer vaccine clinical trial that Kasey will be entering, and started the conversation about Kasey’s treatment options. Damon Reed described his perspective on an evolutionary review board approach to treatment options.
Please Answer Our Three Top Questions
Chemo Complement: Is there anything out there with proven effectiveness to add during Kasey’s bridging period of chemotherapy (VAI: Vincristine, Actinomycin-D, and Ifosfamide) that would be acceptable to Kasey’s physician, Dr. Wexler? (“Western,” or non-western).
Treatment Options: What do you think of the current list of Kasey’s treatment options? Anything to add?
Experts: Are there any experts we should invite to contribute to Kasey’s treatment options and prioritization?
If you have answers or suggestions to these three questions, please respond on our online discussion forum (Slack), or drop us an email at the addresses below.
Kasey Altman, Delsee Altman, Lupe Montes, and Brad Power