April 9, 2021 - Launch and Introductions
Thanks again for your interest in the Linnea Olson hackathon.
We had a great launch Friday with about 30 people participating. It was inspiring to hear from Linnea and the broad range of backgrounds and interests of people, from lung cancer patients to highly trained researchers, who are joining to find Linnea’s next best treatment and create a learning network for patients like Linnea.
If you didn’t get to participate and would like to see the recording, you can see it below. It runs for a half hour.
This Friday Linnea will be presenting her medical history and the data she has available for analysis. We are particularly interested in hearing from you what additional data we should gather to open up possibilities for novel insights and therapies. The session will be longer than the usual lightning update; it has been budgeted at a half hour, but may run longer. You should have received the calendar invitation with the Zoom link, starting at noon Eastern.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
We are also launching our online discussion forum on Slack. This is the place to continuously raise questions, make comments, and suggest ways we can improve our process.